We all know about Whats-app & its large hub of emoticons which makes the conversation very interactive & interesting. From past few months Facebook is also working in this sector. Facebook have introduced wide variety of emoticons to make the conversation more joyful & emotional.
Based on " The Expressions OF Emotions in Man & Animal " by Charles Darwin which cataloged emotional expression in the human & link to the animal world, with the help of psychology professors & pixar illustrator has turned some of the emotions Darwin described into set of emotions. Keltener & Jones developed a total of 50 emotions, though Facebook set so far has only used 16.
Over the last few months, they have been trying to set their scale up by working on over-sized cartoon emoticons "Facebook Sticker". Various characters have been introduced as Facebook Sticker & more are still to come. Recently introduced characters are Meep, Pu-sheen Skullinton, Bun, Mango, Tinkerbell Napoli, Hatch. Out of which Meep is basically over-sized emoticon with large emotions from love-struck to ROT-FL.
Facebook is eager to see how people respond to them & relate it with their lives so that they can make more progress in future.